Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rome, Italy The Last Day


This is Catherine reporting from Rome, Italy. This is my last day here and I have found amazing information here. I am so excited to see this wonderful place and the people here I learned a lot about the Renaissance and I even went off topic one day because there is so much to talk about in Rome Italy. I know that I surly came to the right place when looking for ingenious art and beautiful sites. I will miss Rome but I guess Greenville is awaiting me. I really enjoyed it but as a final thing I want to show you some pictures that I took. Thank you so much and I hope to talk to all very soon.

Rome. Italy The Weddings


This is Catherine reporting from Rome, Italy. Since I have been here I have been only talking about the Reniassance. As I was exploring around for information about the art of that time I happened to pass by a wedding taking place and I thought that it was the most beautiful site. I decided to go a little off topic today and write about Italy's Weddings.

Essential Question: How are weddings like in Rome Italy?

For over a decade half of the happy married couples have do a destination wedding in Italy. They offer wedding in take place in historic halls or in beautiful churches. Usually after the wedding in Italy as they are walking out people throw confetti at the bride and groom then once they are out of that they want to throw pasta. Some people goes as far as taking the show and filling with confetti and pour it over the bride and groom. In Italy the luckiest day to get married is on Sunday where as not many people here do get married on Sunday.
Some traditions include the guests will place items around the bride and groom as they walk down a hall and see what they pick up for example of a bride picked up a broom then that means she will keep a clean house. Another tradition which I saw today was there was a red ribbon tied to the doors of the church showing that a bride and groom are getting married. Weddings in Italy are beautiful especially the area and the traditions put together. My favorite is when they throw the pasta and confetti at the bride and the groom.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wedding Day in Australia

Hello, friends, we just had the wedding. It was so beautiful. Everything was right. The church that we got married in was beautiful. It had beautiful jewels in the windows. My dress was beautiful. My fiance accidently stepped on my train. We were able to get it back on before the wedding started. STRIKE ONE. Next, the cake got to the church and the flowers on the cake were my favorite flowers. We had lunch and finished up last minute things for the wedding. Then, my friends and family decked out our car with bubbles, sticky tape, and my brother reconnected the horn of the car to the braking pedal. So, when we breaked, we beeped down the road. Finally, the moment that I have been waiting for all my life, the wedding started at seven o'clock at night. Everything turned out beautiful. Suddenly, one of my flower girls got sick and couldn't do the wedding. STRIKE TWO. We went on with only one flower girl, but it worked out great anyway. Finally, it came down to the vows and the kiss. It was beautiful. But, during the vows, I got a really bad bloody nose. We had to stop the wedding for a few minutes as I cleaned up my nose. STRIKE THREE. After my nose, we continued. We enjoyed the reception. He shoved a lot of cake in my face and I did the same to him. We left at eleven thirty at night. For the honeymoon, we went to Italy, Germany, and Russia. It was great.


                                                    Thanks for your support,

                                                               Ziva (Smith) Jones

Last Post

Well Guys, Today is my last post!

I have had an absolute blast writing about Scotland! It is so fun to visit I would recommend it to any one who enjoys green grass, hills, castles and the charming history this country has to offer. If you ever to come to Scotland, make sure to visit me in Edinburg Castle. Maybe i will be able to gove you a tour! Also remember to go golfing on our wonderful golf courses! The local pubs offer a great place to enjoy the night while eating fish and chips. I have had a wonderful time writing to you guys, but now I have to get ready for work! Duty Calls! If you ever need anything make sure to shoot me an email!


Es gibt Süßigkeiten in meinem Porsche

The German automotive industry is the largest employer in the country, Volkswagen employs my father. The German Auto makers are Volkswagen, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes, Audi, and Opel. The Most well known Car from Volkswagen is the VW Beetle, the most well known Porsche is the 911 Turbo, The most popular BMW is the 3-Series. The most popular Audi is the Audi R3, the most common Opel is the Opel Astra J. Germany has some of the largest Car companies.
-Kevin Grimm

Last Post...

Today is the day of my last post. My family is moving to Switzerland (yay!), and our house won't have internet for a while. Since I will not be able to post every day, I will probably stop using blogspot.
We got on an airplane in the Cologne Bonn airport. This is probably the best airport ever, because the European Space Agency (ESA) trains astronauts here! I did not see any astronauts, but I wondered what they were doing there. If I do not get to be a basketball player when I grow up, I want to be an astronaut. Maybe I could be both!
The airplane we got on was very big. I never noticed how pretty Germany is until I saw it from the air. There was a lot of green from shrubs and trees. There were also some very tall buildings. I wish I could live in one. Anyway, I am sending this last blog from a McDonald's in Switzerland. These are everywhere, even in America! Thanks for reading my things, guys. Auf Weidersehen!


Hello friends, today, I will talk to you guys about Australia and some fun facts about it. This will be my last educational post. Tomorrow is the wedding. We are so excited about it and we only have two things left for the wedding to do. First, Australian food is very good and influenced by British cusine. They drink a lot of different wines. The people eat seafood like tuna, shrimp, lobster, or mussels. They also have a lot of native fruit that they eat with their dinner. Breakfast and lunch are eaten very light. Dinner is the biggest and most important meal that they eat there. One neat food that they eat is take-away food. This kind of food is like fish and chips and sausage rolls. Finally, some fun facts about Australia. Some fun facts about Australia is that they drink more alchol than any other country in the world. They also have many people that go mining. One person drank a lot of beer in eleven seconds. It is a Guiness World Record now. This man that did this is the Prime Minister of Australia. How weird? They have 1500 species of animals in the outback and 6000 species of flies. Tasmanian Devils exist. They are as strong as a crocodille. The Sydney Opera House roof weighs more than 161,000 tons. That seems about all. It has been a lot of fun here in Australia and the animal life that exists here too. I am so thankful for this trip to see new places. We are finishing up about the wedding. Tonight is the rehersal for the wedding. I hope it will go smoothly. We are so happy.


                                                                            Until tommorrow,

                                                                             Ziva (Smith) Jones

Sports in Greece!

Sports here in Greece are very important, just like in America. Greece has done very well in olympics and most everyone is somewhat involved in some kind of sport. The most popular sports in Greece are football (soccer to Americans), basketball, volleyball, and water polo. Both of my parents grew up playing water polo, and I've always enjoyed watching it and playing it for fun. It has become a fun activity that brings our family closer together. Unlike my parents, my favorite sport is volleyball. That is why one of the best parts of our trip was seeing a professional Greek volleyball game. It was a great thing to experience! Overall, sports are a very big deal in Greece. They add to the wonderful, interesting culture of Greece.

Hola or Bon Jour,

I'm going to France tomorrow! I am so excited for this vacation. My family rarely ever goes on vacation because we live in a vacation destination. I really want to see the Eiffel Tower. I also want to go to see Mona Lisa. We're also going to Villefranche sur Mer. This is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world to me. It is really so pristine, and unknown, so there are very little to no tourists there. The water is so crystal clear and beautiful as well. I am going to post a picture of the beach for you to see. Can't wait to tell you more!

Italian girl

Hey, Alegra here. Ferrara, Italy has a amazing market/ plant for fertilizer. My dad works there so he's giving me facts and information on this life changing plant. The plant is located in an industrial area and shares common services such as utilities, gate guards, a fire brigade, first aid and canteen with several chemical producers. The site has two main production units, an ammonia and a urea plant. There are also liquefaction units for CO2 , an argon recovery unit and an ammonia solution plant, all linked to the ammonia plant. An Air1 plant is linked to the urea plant. Ammonia production is based on natural gas supplied via a pipeline from the national state-owned gas company Eni. Who knew that plants could be so interesting.

Hey! Here is a quick update before I go back home. My father invited me to tag along with him and his buddies for a golf trip in St. Andrews. I am the only other person in my family that can golf besides my dad, so he choose to give me a little weekend fun. We arrived after a 2 hour train trip and checked into the hotel. The next morning, the lads and I went to the closest golf course which was The Castle course. There are about seven, but this one is by my favorite. At the end of the day, I came in 3rd place out of the 5 of us! The golf courses are very famous. We take pride in them. The royal family comes to golf here quite often! Well I must go so I won't miss my train!

Education in Spain

In Spain, around 30% of the school children go to private schools over public schools and other types of schools like church schools. International and foreign schools are the only places where children are taught in English. If kids go to any other schools, they are taught their lessons in Spanish. School is from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a lunch/2 hour break.

Enought time to eat, study, use the potty, etc.

Last Post from Liechtenstein

Hi once again, it's Sara! I can't believe how much information I've gone through in the last six posts, I know it's a lot. Hopefully someday some of you would like to come to my country, maybe after I graduate from the university you'll get me for your guide to go around Liechtenstein!

In the summer, we always have guided hikes through the mountains. It is a gorgeous experience and there are also so many things to see. If you stop by Vaduz, you'll also see the more modern part of Liechtenstein.

In the winter, you can come ski! It's one of our main attractions, and a lot of winter sports take place here like skiing, snowboarding, and sledding.

I'll hope to see you sometime!

So long for the last time,


Places to go(:

I love all the beautiful places in Portugal. I live in Lisboa, the capital of Portugal, and our house is right on the beach.(: At then end of these wonderful sandy beachs are tons of breath taking royal castles from when the kings of Portugal would come spend their summer here. The castles are really beautiful! I wish i lived in one of them! Maybe some day I will.

Animals in Switzerland

This is the last blog of switzerland so I want to make it good and tell you of the animal wildlife here. The Chamois is a native of the mountain goat. The horns on the end of its head curve into a hook. It has two white strips down its face and a 6in. mane down its back. I have seen this goat serveral times while on my nature hikes. The people in the country region of the mountains use this imparticular goat for game. Locals like the meat and the hide as leather. But, it is becoming in-danger because of over hunting. Another cousing of the goat is the Ibex. It's about 3 feet tall. The hooves on its feet are hard, and rough and soft in the middle to grip the mountain side. They live in the valleys too and eat normally samll animals. They hibernate in the winter also. I have read about these animals in books and I really enjoy animals because there are a variety of different types of exotic and unique creatures here you won't want to miss. Now, a smaller, furry animal is the Marmont. It has a squirrel like head with soft grey fur. the live underground in the valleys and stock up on food for the winter. Birds, snakes, and foxes are their enemy. They are currently being moved to a conservation park where they don't all become food or die. The golden eagle is the largest and biggest birds of prey. They perch high in the mountain tops with their acute vision looking for unsuspecting prey to pounce or snatch. There are a few other types of animals, but besides all this, I hope you've enjoyed this review of switzerland have a gained a little more knowledge of this awesome country in Europe. If you can, I recommend that you come, you won't regret it. This is Simon signing off on his final blog to you Americans.

Hey guys it's me Chloe,Zoe here again in today I'm going to give you a little information about the way we dress in Switzerland. I"m by far the best dresser in Switzerland that's my personal opinion. If you look at the picture to left that's how most males in my country dress. The most common clothing that we have in my country is called a embroidery. This is basicaly a stitched on most of our hats. Another tradition in that we where in smocks. My peopole in Switzerland love there smocks. Another thing that we where a lot is tight. Wow we love us some tights. I where them just about everywhere I go. To me I really get hot in these clothes. My wife makes me where theses clothes all the time though I dont wont to. My son always says this Dad why cant we where normal clothes like the Americans? There clothes seem soo cool. Another thing about my country is the teens wear the same outfit for several days in my son hates that to death. Well that's everything about the type of clothing we where in Switzerland. P.S. My family and I are coming to America in two weeks.

Bautiful Iceland beaches

Hello it's Adam here again and I'm her to give you some information of the beautiful beaches in Iceland. Usually Iceland is known about its cool weather and not really about its beaches and it's not the sort of place you visits for Caribbean feel with palm trees and warm waters. But, it is beautiful indeed but the water is DEFIANTLY not warm, and warm enough for you to put on your Speedo. In the South West region's beaches are the most popular with visitors. For example Nautholosvik Beach(Reykjavik), and this beach will allow you to enjoy a dip in the sea as the water is heated by thermal hot water coming into the bay, and is one of the most known beaches throughout Iceland. And another beach is Budir Beach and this beach is the other option for people who like to relax on a beach and its not at all crowded and the more popular beach for lounging around than the beaches. And these are just some of the beaches, because as you know Iceland is a island so it surrounded by beautiful beaches.

Houses in Italy

My house in Italy is big! It sits up on a hill on really green grass. My house is white, and three stories high. My room is purple, and I have a lot of things in it. My house has a weird roof though. It's kind of flat and surfaced. The windows are different too. They are square and white rimmed. If you can even tell from my white house. Sometimes my mom and I like to work in our garden. We have a big garden because we also have a big yard. Every year we make a tradition to add a new section in it. This year we are adding mint. My favorite room in the house is the sunroom because it let's in so much light and I always like to chill in there. I love watching the soccer games in there because we have a giant t.v. and it's so high definition.

A Visit to a Castle

Switzerland has royalty too. I visited Chillon castle. This is one of the most visited landmarks in Switzerland. Actually, I believe it is the most visited historical landmark in the country! It has a lot of history, it was built in the bronze age, and some historians believe that it dates back to 1150, maybe even earlier! The castle has survived three periods, the Savoy period, the Bernese period, and the Vaudois period. The castle is even bigger on the inside! The castle has a huge hall where guests used to eat for balls and feasts. It has huge windows that look down on the lake. The view is magnificent. There are tours of courtyards, bedrooms, and even the chapel. This castle was built for very real purposes though; you can visit the sentry posts where guards monitored the sea. He he, if you want, you can even visit the underground dungeon, where prisoners were kept. It's really cavelike. All of the castle is in stunning condition and the look of Chillon castle seemingly rising out of lake Geneva against the alps is breathtaking. I have a picture too. See how big it is? It's really pretty at night. Anyyay, I'm glad that I was able to tell people more about my marvelous country. Maybe I'll see you later, here. For now, goodbye! ~Camilla

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Athens Greece

These are all of the things I included in my paper. I hope that this helped you in understanding how these two different places differ from one another. I really enjoyed learning all the new thing that I learned and i hope you enjoyed it too. Bye.

Detta är en mycket lon titel för en blogg! Tror du inte?

I have been thinking, maybe I should talk more about Sweden than me. Though, I'm not I'd rather this be a personally blog than anything else. I was thinking last night(after brute forcing some pc's) are other countries accents more like than ours, I mean Sweden does have an awesome accent. Does anyone's else have really awesome accents? And if so what are somethings that you pronounce wrong when speaking English?
For example, In Sweden when we say chair we pronounce it shair.
Also we say our "j"s like "w"s.

The Greek Sports I like to play!

Whenever I visited Greece with my parents, I have noticed that Greece emphasizes sports. They all think that sports are anciet entertainment, that would explain were the Olympics came from because all Greeks love or are involved with some sport. The Olympics was made around the year 776 BC, at least thats what my Great Grandfather passed down to me. The popular sports they play are soccer, water polo, sailing, swimming, diving, and handball. Soccer is upcoming in Greece. Water Polo has been very popular for a long time. Handball is just like racqetball, but with your hands. This is a very competitive sport in Greece. Usually only men play this sport. Greece is very involved in sports, come and join us!

Warum Hallo, ich habe in meinem Süßigkeiten van.

The German Constitution concentrates on individual liberty. The chancellor can not be removed from his 4 year term unless they have chose a successor. The President can not hold another office. The Federal Legislature has 589 or more members. The judicial system in Germany has always been separated from the goverment even before democracy even entered Germany. There is a separate court relating to constitutional matters.
-Kevin Grimm

Hey buds it's me Chloe,Zoe here and today I'm here to tell you a little bit about our president of Swiss Confederation. First of all she's the best president you can ask for. I know that you guys are probably shocked when I said she. Her name is Micheline Calmy-Rey. She is a awesome lady when you get to meet her. That's all the informtion about Micheline Calmy-Rey. I will talk to you guys later.

Hi from Australia!

Hello everyone, It has been a long trip from Denmark to Australia. We left at seven o'clock at night. We had two major delays on our way there. We got to Australia at about eight o'clock in the morning two days after we left. We got to our hotel safetly. It is very beautiful in Australia in the morning. They also have great coffee. Because of the time delay, I have to cut my blogs short. I will do two more blogs. Then, I will blog about the wedding. So, tomorrow, I will tell you a lot of information as I can before the wedding about Australia. About the wedding, we have gotten all the things we sent over from Denmark. So, that is good. Today, we are going to do the last day things for the wedding. My fiancee and I are very excited and anxious for the wedding to get here.

                                                                          Until tomorrow,


Hi, Guys!

Well, it seems I am doing a lot better now than before. However, school was tough today. Teachers tell us all the time that school is "all business," and we need to take it seriously. Aside, from the occasional Wandertag (field trip), there is only work. However, I am glad we learn like this. If we talked and used our phones all the time, we probably would not learn anything!
Anyway, I got home from school today and found a big plate of paprika creme schnitzel! There are many kinds of sausage over here, like bratwurst (a highly seasoned pork sausage), knackwurst (sausage with garlic in it), and weisswurst (fresh sausage with mild spices), but this is my favorite. Paprika creme schnitzel is a kind of sausage made with veal, bacon, cream cheese, paprika, and all sorts of good things. Here is the recipie my mom used: Well, I have to go now. Engel invited me to a big game with his friends today, and I can not miss this. I will tell you about it tomorrow, Auf Weidersehen!

Rome, Italy The Religion

Hello again,

This is Catherine this is my 5th day now in Italy and so far I have learned so much. I have two more days left here and I want to make the most of it. For this project I have to answer a few questions and todays questions has to do with the religion and how it affected the art.

Essential Question: How did the religion affected the art?

During the Renaissance there was only two ways of encome. Those were aristocracy and the church. Thus this is why art during the Renaissance had either to do with artiocrates or the church. Religon influenced the art very much beucase the religion gave the art the theme. During this time the church was calm. This was before people started to turn away form the church. People were very reliogus and they believed that relgion should be brought into everything that they did. Alot of the time as well the art was commissioned by the church becuase churches were at this time started to bulid and become bigger and more beautiful.

Greek Weather!

Thankfully, I am here in Greece in June. It is absolutely beautiful! The average temperature is very sunny and the temperatures have been in the high 70s. Part of what makes it so pleasant is that there is no humidity. The air here is very dry, so we made sure to bring lots of chapstick, lotion, and nose drops. It is still towards the beginning of the month, so children are still in school. That means no where is crowded during the day and we can visit wherever we want. They say Greece is very sunny for the most part of the year, which I am seeing right now. They say that Winter's here can get generally cold. Maybe, I'll get to see that side of Greece one day! But, for now, I'm loving the sun!

Recreation in Slovakia

Hello once again! Today I will tell you a little bit about recreational activities. Slovakia is a very mountainous country. Many of us like to enjoy the landscape of our country. Popular activities are downhill skiing, rock climbing, fishing, and the sports ice hockey and soccer. Some popular ski slopes that I have visited are Malino Brdo and Strbske Pleso. They are both fun and feature many runs ranging from beginner to difficult. I have never really tried rock climbing- probably because I am afraid of heights! Also, I just don't find it as interesting as other activities such as skiing or fishing. Fishing is also one of my favorites. There are many smaller lakes and a few large rivers like Dunajec as well as smaller creeks. I personally prefer fly fishing over other methods. Popular fish that you catch include bream, sterlets, and eel. I play hockey and soccer. That's pretty much it for recreation. I hope you got a good idea of the things that I enjoy and do for fun.

Do vedinia,


Liechtenstein's Culture & Art

Hi again, it's Sara once again from Liechtenstein. In my country, we have lots of things to do with culture. Our history museum and art museum show all the great things that have been in our country, for example, all the ceramics we find from the Romans that once dominated our land. There are also exhibits going all the way back to the stone age! Those museums are in Vaduz.

A lot of other traditions go on as well, such as Funkensontag (in English, 'Spark Sunday'), where on the Sunday before Easter we burn huge effegies of witches, recalling heathen ceremonies to drive away winter and also burning the witches. Also the less-desired part of our history and culture rests in the Liechtenstein National Archives where you can find all the documentation going back to Medieval times when witch-hunting claimed a lot of victims. It's still really interesting to see.

Winter sports are another huge part of our culture. We have lots of great skiing mountains and a lot of people visit just for that. I've skiied ever since I was six, after my dad taught me.
I guess that's it for now!

Arts of the Swiss

I love art. We may not have as much art as other countries like italy, but we have our fair share of unique masterpieces! People here have no set style, crafting everything from pop art to engravings to modern art. One of the most famous paintings is La Belle Chocolatière, or the chocolate girl. It combines our love for chocolate with a pretty picture. I'll pull it up.

This picture shows a woman in a traditional Swedish dress with a cup of hot cocoa. I like the realisim of this picture and how it almost seems to come to life. However, I'm glad I don't have to dress like that! We recently aquired SIKART which is an online database on visual art in Switzerland! It was made here so I can use it to look up pictures about my country's art. It's basically a visual dictionary. Its free with access to the public, but it doesen't come in english yet, and I'm not in the mood to translate it. People that have art on there have done landscapes, sculptures, sketches, surrealist paintings, you name it! You can't really see the awesome art on here though, you have to experience it in person!

Music and dance

I love our culture and language! The Portuguese language is one of the most romantic languages in the world. Portuguese people love to dance! We love folk danceing like circle dance, the two steps waltz, and fandango. Our music here is really great! I love to sit in my room and listen to music. I go to work everyday and we always play good music. I'm learning the two steps watlz for my friends birthday party. I'm super excited!

Schools in Italy

Today is Tuesday and I have school. My school is a lot of fun. Sometimes it isn't that fun because of the whole education part, but my friends are what make it fun and sometimes we go on fun field trips. Last week we took a feild trip to the Trevi Fountain! As if I haven't seen it a million times, but it was still cool to go with my actual class. Everyone was so amused and I got to tell everyone about how you can through in a coin and make a wish! My school welcomes any one in and it is free so we always get a lot of new students. A lot of people are allowed to drop out when they are 16, so we loose a lot of people. Usually we get more when semesters restart, but they're at least 6. I got to go now, schools almost starting! Bye!

Sights to See in Italy

Greetings! This is Fransisco Balivia III here to talk to you about the wonderful sights to see when you or any of your friends are in the beautiful country of Italy. The sights you may see are breath-taking and amazing. Many people may believe that Italy is the place to go when you want to see beauty. The Collosseum is by far one of the most exciting places to visit. Some people call it the "gem" of Italy. Over 1 million people visit the Collosseum almost every year. (that's a lot of people) The Pantheon is also another building that has stood for over 2,000 years, and is still standing stronger than ever. The building is beautiful and it is the perfect example of a stunning or outstanding building. Last but not least, the Vila Celimontana is another breathtaking garden for the public that is open all ours of the day. It with-holds some of the most beautiful flowers and plants that you may ever see. These are the places that I, Fransisco Balivia III, request that you go for an amazing vacation.

Activities to do and what to expect in Switzerland

Greetings again, I don't think I have told you about what to expect or do here in Switzerland. There are a variety of things to accomplish and engage in here. One of the things I enjoy much is swimming near my home in Zurich. Biking is popular which I have told of in prior blogs. I do bike to different places just because it's easy to get around on without the hassle of getting and waiting on a bus which are also common here. I know that hiking is what most visitors enjoy doing here. The Swiss mountain towns are full of travelers. Mostly they are European visitors from nearby places. I do like meeting those Americans though, they are funny. Hiking is awesome and rejuvenating. I sometimes, if I can, go out to just hike and relax from country and city life. Also, an interesting fact. I know and see lots of cats roaming around town and suprisingly in some fields looking for food. Haha, I like watching the cats. Besides that, the mountain meadows are used for animals to eat hay and they look like there're mowed in which they are. In some sections, you can see the farmers who live way out in the boonies. I will say that if you come here, the buildings will appear to look new, but really the people are preserving the buildings and the new buildings are made to look and reflect the town and its rich background. Before I end this blog, I will lastly say that people here are friendly but very organized and particular about people being on time. Hopefully the gondolas are working and that you can enjoy this vast country in full as you sit atop a high deck and gaze out over the awe inspiring secenery. Until next time, this is Simon.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Scottish Food

Food in Scotland is very important. Many people bond and met over food. Some popular food in Scotland is beef, peas, mashed potatoes, and some more traditonal food. For example, Arobeth smokie is a wood-smoked haddock still produced in small family smoke houses in the east Coast fishing towns. Another is Colcannon; a dish found in the Western Islands of Scotland and also in Ireland. It is made from boiled cabbage, carrots, turnip and potatoes. This mixture is then drained and stewed for about 20 minutes in a pan with some butter, seasoned with salt and pepper and served hot. Like basically all the other european countries, we drink tea alot! Well, sorry it is so short, but I need to get to work!

Greek Holidays

Greece has a lot of holidays and festivals. They have some of the same holidays we do, such as: New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter, Labor Day, and Christmas. All these holidays mean the same thing to them as they do to us. Some different holidays are Theophany which is when they are "blessing there food". Another holiday is the Three Holy Hierarchsa, this is a school holiday only: Commemoration of the patron saints of education St. Basil the Great. One of the biggest holidays is Assumption or The Dormition of the Holy Virgin, they celebrate the Virgin Mary. Its a really big deal. Greece has a lot of festivals. Most of them take place in the summer. The months are May through August, most of them are church festivals. Greece is the place to be if you like festivals and holidays!

Portugal clothing is an essential aspect of the culture of the country. The Portuguese people are very particular about their clothing and dressing styles. Clothing in Portugal features modern styles as much as traditional dressing patterns. Clothing industry of Portugal plays an important role in the economy of the country. Clothing of Portugal varies from the urban to the rural regions. Portugal clothing in the urban, city areas bear the distinct marks of western influence. Usually the city people are extremely well dressed. Normally, the city dwellers are attired in western pattern clothings. Portugal clothing in the rural areas, are more in tune with the traditional patterns of dressing. The traditional outfits for men generally feature stocking caps, berets that are teamed with trousers and baggy shirts. Women are clad in black shawls and long dresses. Again in some parts of Portugal, black or any other dark colored clothes are usually worn for carrying out daily chores. However, on special events, wearing brightly hued clothes are the usual norm.

Religion in Spain

According to the most recent Euroborometer Poll in 2005, 59% of Spanish citizens responded that "they believe there is a God". 21% answered that "they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force". 18% answered that "they do not believe there is any sort of spirit, God, or life force. Most of the population in Spain is Catholic and lots of old Catholic churches decorate the streets of spain.

Återigen helloe från Sverige

Good morning starshine the earth says hello! So, last night I was sitting in my shair and I had an amazing idea, if I play more and more horror games I'll have dreams about them! So I decided to play Killing Floor, and Nightmare House 2! So, today I wanted to know how technilogically advanced your country is. For Sweden we are very advanced and can rival Japan in many ways! So just leave a comment if you will about your country, I would love to know! Daniel Sweden

Warum hallo da

Today I will tell you about German music. Composers like Beethoven and Bach are still popular. There are many other catorgies of music in Germany. There is Folk Music, which can be Oom-pah, a type of Music played with Brass Bands. Swabian Folk Music is also popular. The Opera is also popular.
-Kevin Grimm

Greek Families!

Greek families are always very close. Family is definetly the number one priority in Greek's lives. If you have seen the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", you'll understand what I'm talking about. We are also very close with our extended family and we have a lot of respect for our elders. If we have close, familly friends, we tend to call them aunt and uncle, because we think of them as part of our family. Respect towards your parents is huge. It is very customary to ask for your parents blessing in marriages and other things. Our Greek Orthodox religion in very important to us and God and the Virgin Mary are thought of us our parents. Overall, family is the most important thing to us. Family get togethers are very, very common. We have close relationships with even our extended family.