Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rome, Italy The Last Day


This is Catherine reporting from Rome, Italy. This is my last day here and I have found amazing information here. I am so excited to see this wonderful place and the people here I learned a lot about the Renaissance and I even went off topic one day because there is so much to talk about in Rome Italy. I know that I surly came to the right place when looking for ingenious art and beautiful sites. I will miss Rome but I guess Greenville is awaiting me. I really enjoyed it but as a final thing I want to show you some pictures that I took. Thank you so much and I hope to talk to all very soon.

Rome. Italy The Weddings


This is Catherine reporting from Rome, Italy. Since I have been here I have been only talking about the Reniassance. As I was exploring around for information about the art of that time I happened to pass by a wedding taking place and I thought that it was the most beautiful site. I decided to go a little off topic today and write about Italy's Weddings.

Essential Question: How are weddings like in Rome Italy?

For over a decade half of the happy married couples have do a destination wedding in Italy. They offer wedding in take place in historic halls or in beautiful churches. Usually after the wedding in Italy as they are walking out people throw confetti at the bride and groom then once they are out of that they want to throw pasta. Some people goes as far as taking the show and filling with confetti and pour it over the bride and groom. In Italy the luckiest day to get married is on Sunday where as not many people here do get married on Sunday.
Some traditions include the guests will place items around the bride and groom as they walk down a hall and see what they pick up for example of a bride picked up a broom then that means she will keep a clean house. Another tradition which I saw today was there was a red ribbon tied to the doors of the church showing that a bride and groom are getting married. Weddings in Italy are beautiful especially the area and the traditions put together. My favorite is when they throw the pasta and confetti at the bride and the groom.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wedding Day in Australia

Hello, friends, we just had the wedding. It was so beautiful. Everything was right. The church that we got married in was beautiful. It had beautiful jewels in the windows. My dress was beautiful. My fiance accidently stepped on my train. We were able to get it back on before the wedding started. STRIKE ONE. Next, the cake got to the church and the flowers on the cake were my favorite flowers. We had lunch and finished up last minute things for the wedding. Then, my friends and family decked out our car with bubbles, sticky tape, and my brother reconnected the horn of the car to the braking pedal. So, when we breaked, we beeped down the road. Finally, the moment that I have been waiting for all my life, the wedding started at seven o'clock at night. Everything turned out beautiful. Suddenly, one of my flower girls got sick and couldn't do the wedding. STRIKE TWO. We went on with only one flower girl, but it worked out great anyway. Finally, it came down to the vows and the kiss. It was beautiful. But, during the vows, I got a really bad bloody nose. We had to stop the wedding for a few minutes as I cleaned up my nose. STRIKE THREE. After my nose, we continued. We enjoyed the reception. He shoved a lot of cake in my face and I did the same to him. We left at eleven thirty at night. For the honeymoon, we went to Italy, Germany, and Russia. It was great.


                                                    Thanks for your support,

                                                               Ziva (Smith) Jones

Last Post

Well Guys, Today is my last post!

I have had an absolute blast writing about Scotland! It is so fun to visit I would recommend it to any one who enjoys green grass, hills, castles and the charming history this country has to offer. If you ever to come to Scotland, make sure to visit me in Edinburg Castle. Maybe i will be able to gove you a tour! Also remember to go golfing on our wonderful golf courses! The local pubs offer a great place to enjoy the night while eating fish and chips. I have had a wonderful time writing to you guys, but now I have to get ready for work! Duty Calls! If you ever need anything make sure to shoot me an email!


Es gibt Süßigkeiten in meinem Porsche

The German automotive industry is the largest employer in the country, Volkswagen employs my father. The German Auto makers are Volkswagen, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes, Audi, and Opel. The Most well known Car from Volkswagen is the VW Beetle, the most well known Porsche is the 911 Turbo, The most popular BMW is the 3-Series. The most popular Audi is the Audi R3, the most common Opel is the Opel Astra J. Germany has some of the largest Car companies.
-Kevin Grimm

Last Post...

Today is the day of my last post. My family is moving to Switzerland (yay!), and our house won't have internet for a while. Since I will not be able to post every day, I will probably stop using blogspot.
We got on an airplane in the Cologne Bonn airport. This is probably the best airport ever, because the European Space Agency (ESA) trains astronauts here! I did not see any astronauts, but I wondered what they were doing there. If I do not get to be a basketball player when I grow up, I want to be an astronaut. Maybe I could be both!
The airplane we got on was very big. I never noticed how pretty Germany is until I saw it from the air. There was a lot of green from shrubs and trees. There were also some very tall buildings. I wish I could live in one. Anyway, I am sending this last blog from a McDonald's in Switzerland. These are everywhere, even in America! Thanks for reading my things, guys. Auf Weidersehen!


Hello friends, today, I will talk to you guys about Australia and some fun facts about it. This will be my last educational post. Tomorrow is the wedding. We are so excited about it and we only have two things left for the wedding to do. First, Australian food is very good and influenced by British cusine. They drink a lot of different wines. The people eat seafood like tuna, shrimp, lobster, or mussels. They also have a lot of native fruit that they eat with their dinner. Breakfast and lunch are eaten very light. Dinner is the biggest and most important meal that they eat there. One neat food that they eat is take-away food. This kind of food is like fish and chips and sausage rolls. Finally, some fun facts about Australia. Some fun facts about Australia is that they drink more alchol than any other country in the world. They also have many people that go mining. One person drank a lot of beer in eleven seconds. It is a Guiness World Record now. This man that did this is the Prime Minister of Australia. How weird? They have 1500 species of animals in the outback and 6000 species of flies. Tasmanian Devils exist. They are as strong as a crocodille. The Sydney Opera House roof weighs more than 161,000 tons. That seems about all. It has been a lot of fun here in Australia and the animal life that exists here too. I am so thankful for this trip to see new places. We are finishing up about the wedding. Tonight is the rehersal for the wedding. I hope it will go smoothly. We are so happy.


                                                                            Until tommorrow,

                                                                             Ziva (Smith) Jones