Living in Switzerland is very interesting and every day there is something different that happens. For example, I came home frm school one day and I went to my friends house to do schoolwork. It varies day to day and I usually like a change. I don't know if I told you this yet, but housing here is kinda cramped in the sense that if you come here for a vacation, you'd better expect a crowded and tight place where you'll stay. the majority of the people live and rent housing and the community area is in close proximity to each other. People are easily acccesible to markets and other things to do in a day to day life. Sometimes the tenants here who watch over the housing are demanding but yet considerate in that you have to do this and this before a certain time. I have many different friends here that I can walk to their house. My home, thankfully, is located relatively near a variety of places such as a market, hardwear store etc. School here lasts for about the morning into mid-afternoon hours. The good thing though is that the school buses have several stops that I don't have to walk far to get on them. Besides that, in general, Swiss are reserved as British. They probably won't invite you out to dinner or something unless you first invite them. Acquaintances will respond favorably if you have them over for pizza, coffee, and definetly "chocolate". Also, your absence will be noted if you're late for an invitation to something. The most important advice I might give you if you come here is your punctuality with regards to socializing, meaning your expected to arrive no later than 5 min. for some arranged time or oppointment. Swiss farmers are the most highly protected and subsidized groups of producers. 7o% of the Swiss agriculture is subsidized. The cost of food can be high. Some products can up to 40% more expensive than other neighboring countries. This does have serious implications for lifestyle for visitors who are used to their imparticular lifestyle. Despite whatever complexities or contradictions, Switzerland offers a lifestyle worthy of recognition. It is very popular with the 10 million visitors and those who live and abide here.
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