Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hello Again!

It was more fun than ever today in Cologne! I met with Engel today, and we shook hands before our game of basketball. The weather was a cool ten degrees, so we had to wear jackets when we played. Engel was a little taller than me, but I beat him in no time. He told me that I was so good I could get into the DBB one day. I laughed and told him he just needs more practice.
If you do not know, the DBB is the Deutscher Basketball Bund. They are Germany's national team, and they had been in many world championships. They have even been to the Olympics five times! I hope to be like Tibor Pleiß one day. He is the center for the DBB, and he's more than 2.1 meters tall!
Anyway, my game with Engel went very well, and he told me that he wants to see me again some time. The only bad thing about today is that my sister left with her new husband to go to Switzerland. I look at some of the blogs Swiss people wrote on here and I wish I could go with them! Well, now I have to do her work and get off the computer. Until then, Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. Swiss, huh? It is a nice place to be. But Germany looks good, too. I've never been much of a basketball fan, but this looks very interesting!

  2. Thanks! Basketball is very fun, but it is hard. Maybe I could teach you if you come to Germany! :)
