Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Liechtenstein's Culture & Art

Hi again, it's Sara once again from Liechtenstein. In my country, we have lots of things to do with culture. Our history museum and art museum show all the great things that have been in our country, for example, all the ceramics we find from the Romans that once dominated our land. There are also exhibits going all the way back to the stone age! Those museums are in Vaduz.

A lot of other traditions go on as well, such as Funkensontag (in English, 'Spark Sunday'), where on the Sunday before Easter we burn huge effegies of witches, recalling heathen ceremonies to drive away winter and also burning the witches. Also the less-desired part of our history and culture rests in the Liechtenstein National Archives where you can find all the documentation going back to Medieval times when witch-hunting claimed a lot of victims. It's still really interesting to see.

Winter sports are another huge part of our culture. We have lots of great skiing mountains and a lot of people visit just for that. I've skiied ever since I was six, after my dad taught me.
I guess that's it for now!

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