Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Last Post...

Today is the day of my last post. My family is moving to Switzerland (yay!), and our house won't have internet for a while. Since I will not be able to post every day, I will probably stop using blogspot.
We got on an airplane in the Cologne Bonn airport. This is probably the best airport ever, because the European Space Agency (ESA) trains astronauts here! I did not see any astronauts, but I wondered what they were doing there. If I do not get to be a basketball player when I grow up, I want to be an astronaut. Maybe I could be both!
The airplane we got on was very big. I never noticed how pretty Germany is until I saw it from the air. There was a lot of green from shrubs and trees. There were also some very tall buildings. I wish I could live in one. Anyway, I am sending this last blog from a McDonald's in Switzerland. These are everywhere, even in America! Thanks for reading my things, guys. Auf Weidersehen!

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