Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Exploring Chalkis!

Hello again! As I said before, I am staying in Chalkis, Greece. It is a small island near Athens and has a population of around 90,000. This is where my grandparents and some extended family live. It is a very gorgeous and historic town. Everywhere you look, there is a bright blue sky, beautiful water, and extravagant historic buildings. I knew that if I was going to visit here, I would need to visit some of the old buildings. This morning, I visited the Agios Nikolaos Church here in Chalkis. It is very detailed and it has several beautiful frescoes. They are all very well preserved from when it was built in the 11th century. We also visited the Monastary Agiou Ioannou Prodromou. It is from the early 14th century and is also very gorgeous. It also has many beautiful frescoes. It was very interesting to visit!

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