Another one of my questions was what is the differnece between the music and dance in athens than in Sout Carolina? Anyone who has seen the movie "Zobra the Greek" knows what Greek music and dancing is about. One of the famous dances is the "Greek Zobra" it's a combination of the hasapiko dance. The dance has become so popular in Greece that tavernas all over the country put up shows for the tourists. There are 4,000 traditional dances which come from Greece. As for Greek music its roots go back to Ancient Greece when music was part of the theater. The instruments include the double reed aulos, the lyre and a special kind of lyre called kithara. Music was such an important part in the Greeks education that they started learnig it in early childood. Folk music is also popular in Greece. The instruments used for this type of music are guitars, tambourines, clarinets and violins.
In South Carolina, Carolina beach music is very popular. It is developed from various music styles of the
forties, fifties, and sixties. These styles rage from big band swing instrumentals to the more rausous sounds of blues, jazz, doo-wop, boogie, rythm and blues, reggae, rockability, and old time rock and roll. Beach music is also associted with the style of swing dance known as the shag which is South Carolina's state dance, therefore it is very popular.

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