Monday, April 18, 2011

Hello Again

Sorry I have not posted for a few days. I was in Frankfurt where Opa's funeral was happening. We were staying in Oma's house, which is close to the church and funeral home we chose. The funeral happened on Sunday, and was very stagnant. The church bells rang for Opa's death, and they stopped at three strokes. After the pause was the death bell. A lot of people showed up to the funeral. There were a priest and ministrants who wore violet and black and stood with us. The priest said the requiem (a very important prayer) and burned some incense while sprinkling the coffin with holy water. Then, four pallbearers (popular people from the city) lowered the coffin into the grave in a cemetary outside of the church. The day before my mother decided to help me get the funeral out of my mind by taking me to Zeil. This is a shopping center in Frankfurt where they have just about everything. I was too sad to ask for anything, but my mother decided to get me a new cell phone and a basketball. I was glad she did this for me, and it eased my pain a little bit. I went back to Cologne shortly after the funeral, and went to school today. My friends comforted me and wished me well. Thankfully, it was a very good day in school, so I wasn't weighed down by what happened over the weekend. I hope you guys are doing alright, as well. You always make me happy! Until tomorrow, auf weidersehen!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're ok. Hopefully things will only improve from here!
