Hello Adam her again, Iceland have many holidays that we share and some of there own like Icelandic Republic Day. This event takes place on June 17, it is a holiday in Iceland that celebrates the day in 1944 that the Republic of Iceland was formed together. The date (June 17) was chosen because it is the birthday of Jon Sigurosson, he was a major figure in the Iceland culture and a leader of the 19th century. The greatest celebrations are held in Reykjavik with parades, street theatres, but throughout the country the day is filled with picnics and various organized festivities as well. And like most European countries we celebrates two Christmas days but were refer to this day as Boxing day.This is another day for visiting friends and family and eating lots more! Public entertainment is considered inappropriate on Yule Eve(Christmas Eve) and Yule Day(Christmas Day), and it is on Boxing Day that dancing is again allowed in public! In Iceland, Boxing Day is known as "St Stephen's Day" and is famous for its "Wren Boys". St Stephen was killed, purportedly stoned to death, for believing in Jesus. In Ireland the Wren Boys would go out and stone Wrens to death then with blackened faces, carry their catch around the town knocking at doors and asking for money. This barbaric act has now stopped but the Wrens Boys will still dress up and parade around time though, but collecting money for charity.
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