Today is a pretty normal day, so I suppose I should tell about the school system here. Oddly enough we have no natural resources. Thats right, none; zero. We had to make sure that something was a resource here, so our "resource" is education! We have some of the best educational systems in the world. Transitioning schools is nightmarish though, because they teach different things at different times. For example, one school may start teaching foreign language at third grade, and another may start at seventh! My school started me on english classes in kindergarden, so that's how I became fluent. We aren't required to attend kindergarden, but most of us do anyway. I'm also one of the few kids in my neighborhood to attend a private school. Most people attend a public school, and rumors always circulate that people in private schools just couldn't make it in public schools.
I like my school and make good grades, so I just learn to take the good with the bad. This picture is ove a school near my house. I currently attend elementary school. Don't worry, I haven't been held back! Swiss elementary schools are pretty much the same as American elementary schools combined with the start of high school. I want to attend a gymnasium after I finish school. Gymnasiums here are for one year and the person will focus on a specific subject, like science or math. It doesn't have to be physical education! I suppose after I finish that, I'll get an apprenticeship. An apprenticeship is just what it sounds like. I'll go work as an apprentice for a job and also attend school once or twice a week. I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself right now. I'll focus on my studies. Speaking of which, I have some homework to do. Beter get started!

I like switzerland already. I too am doing switzerland and I am intersted in your review and things to talk about whe ndoing Switezerland. Awsome job