Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Animals in Switzerland

This is the last blog of switzerland so I want to make it good and tell you of the animal wildlife here. The Chamois is a native of the mountain goat. The horns on the end of its head curve into a hook. It has two white strips down its face and a 6in. mane down its back. I have seen this goat serveral times while on my nature hikes. The people in the country region of the mountains use this imparticular goat for game. Locals like the meat and the hide as leather. But, it is becoming in-danger because of over hunting. Another cousing of the goat is the Ibex. It's about 3 feet tall. The hooves on its feet are hard, and rough and soft in the middle to grip the mountain side. They live in the valleys too and eat normally samll animals. They hibernate in the winter also. I have read about these animals in books and I really enjoy animals because there are a variety of different types of exotic and unique creatures here you won't want to miss. Now, a smaller, furry animal is the Marmont. It has a squirrel like head with soft grey fur. the live underground in the valleys and stock up on food for the winter. Birds, snakes, and foxes are their enemy. They are currently being moved to a conservation park where they don't all become food or die. The golden eagle is the largest and biggest birds of prey. They perch high in the mountain tops with their acute vision looking for unsuspecting prey to pounce or snatch. There are a few other types of animals, but besides all this, I hope you've enjoyed this review of switzerland have a gained a little more knowledge of this awesome country in Europe. If you can, I recommend that you come, you won't regret it. This is Simon signing off on his final blog to you Americans.

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