Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hej igen från Sverige

Good Morning! Ahh, nothing is better than waking up and seeing the sun out! It's really weird for someone from Sweden to not be used to the cold, but man! I really can't stand it, maybe I should live in the Bahamas... Anyways, today is a big day, I am getting a car! I am currently living by myself and have been saving up for a car. Another thing that is a lot different from america and Sweden is cars. In Sweden we may have 1 car to a family and sometimes they might not have one at all! Though, in America people tend to have more than enough in just about everything. Well, I'm off to go and get my new car! Vi ses i morgon! Daniel

1 comment:

  1. Lucky! I can not drive until I am 17, so that is 4 more years for me. It is not that bad, though. I usually ride the bus, anyway! xD
