Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Great Day in Germany!

School today was not very hard, and that was good because today was my sister's wedding. Since most families here have one or two children, I was excited to see my only sister getting married. Yesterday, we went to a registry office for a civil ceremony. It was kind of boring, but I was excited that our family practices Polterabend. When the family does this, they break a bunch of glass and pots on the ground to scare the devil. Dad used the party to get rid of that ugly vase mom wouldn't throw away!
Today after school, my family and my sister's husband's family went to the church for the wedding. When we got there, I saw all of my other family members! I hugged my Opa (grandfather), and his beard scratched my face a little. I had not seen Opa in a long time because our house is too small for him. We could not talk long, because the wedding started soon. Two of my younger cousins came through the doors holding a big bouquet of blue flowers. It was so big, they both had to hold it! Then my sister and her husband walked through the door and went to the altar. The looked very happy while the priest read the vows and gave them each a gold ring. They kissed, and everyone stood up and clapped.
After the wedding was over, we had a big reception. I ate so many pretzels that my Oma (grandma) thought I would explode! A guy about my age walked up to me while I was drinking some tea and said hallo. His name was Engel, and he was the groom's brother. He liked basketball too, so I asked if he wanted to play sometime. He said he can play tomorrow at his house, so I told him I'd practice a lot. I should go practice right now, Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. Ha ha! That's an awesome tradition, Polterabend! I get in trouble if I do that. Congratulations on the marriage!

  2. I think that's a cool tradition. Polterabend sounds like it would be fun to do at weddings. Ha ha.
