Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rome, Italy The Churches


This is Catherine again reporting form Rome, Italy. If you did not read my first entry, I will refresh you about myself. I am an excahnge student form Greenville SC. I came to Rome because I want to learn about the art of the Renaissance. This time fasinates me. There is so much to learn. During this trip I will being answering a few questions to prove that I leanred some new things. This blog I will be answering question 2. To read question 1 refer back to me last bolg.

2) Essential Question: How does the gothic churches differ form Romaanesque churches?

During the time of the Renassiance religion played a big part. Relgion in Italy was mainly Catholicism and the art work reflected this. Beucase Catholicism was so major of course the churches were extensive and extravagient. There were two different types of churches in the architecture. There was the gothic churches and the romanesque churches but I always wanted to know what made the difference between them.

Gothic Churches: These types of churhces had a pointy arches and have many windows. Gothic churches had more windows and bigger windows. This is becuase the architectes found a new way to make new roofs and surporting walls. One technique was that they made the roofs out of stone to have better support. Aslo thet made these churches are biggeer and spacious.

Romanesque Churches: These type of churches had round arches and not many windows. Ironicly the romanesque churches didnt have many windows making it dark. This is becuase the architectes had not been inclined to the knowloge that the architectes of the gothic churches knew. These churches had a bad supprot system they made the roofs out of wood making it easy to set a fire.

After time and they startesd to get money to bulid and make better churches. Gothic churches to over and became to type of church.


  1. They are both gorgeous kinds of churches (:

  2. Thank- you very much there are beautiful! I wish we had some of these type of churches here.
